Randy Gradishar Wows the Crowd at our February 2019 meeting!

Old School Football!  That’s what Randy Gradishar’s talk to the Denver Broncos QB Club this afternoon reminded me of as Randy told stories of his football career.  And what a career it was! Some of Randy’s accomplishments:

* 7 time Pro Bowler
* 2 time First Team All Pro
* 3 time Second Team All Pro
* 1978 NFL Defensive Player of The Year


In addition to these amazing statistics, Randy is a member of the Broncos Ring of Fame, and was a leader of the famed Orange Crush defense of the 1970’s!



In front of a standing room only QB Club lunch crowd, Randy related how he grew up in Champion, Ohio.  “My Dad owned the town’s grocery store,” Randy said.  “I didn’t start playing football until 9th grade.”


Randy drew the attention of college recruiters with his exploits in high school football.  “Woody Hayes (legendary Ohio State coach) came to my high school to talk to me.  I didn’t know who Woody Hayes was!  Woody asked what my father did, and I then took him to my Dad’s grocery store.  Woody and Dad ended up talking for 1 1/2 hours – but not about me!  They were both WWII veterans and exchanged war stories,” Randy said.  Woody Hayes strategy of winning over Randy’s family worked as Randy enrolled at Ohio State.


“Woody had a big influence on me, I grew up under Woody Hayes,” Randy said. “Woody stressed the ‘pay it forward’ motto.  Every Friday the team would get on a bus and do some kind of community service, visiting schools, hospitals, etc.”  Randy certainly gave me a different appreciation of Woody Hayes, who I had only known as a hot tempered college coach who once punched a cameraman on the sidelines.


After a stellar four year college career you think Randy would have aspirations to play in the NFL.  Not so.  “I didn’t know about the NFL.  I asked a scout, ‘how do I get drafted?'”  On draft day I sat in my fraternity house waiting for the phone to ring.  John Ralston called and said the Broncos had selected me as the 14th pick in the first round.  I had to look on a map to see where Denver was!”


Then Randy got a surprise.  When Randy’s Dad got the news of the Broncos draft, his Dad said, “I never told you this, but I was born in Pueblo, Colorado.”  Randy would later make connections with his relatives in Pueblo during his Bronco career.


I learned the Broncos were very fortunate to have Randy fall to them as the 14th pick in the 1st round.  “Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, and the New Orleans Saints all expressed interest in me before the draft and I was sure I’d go to one of those teams.  Then the Lions sent one of their doctors to give me a pre-draft exam.  The doctor reported there was something wrong with my knee, and word spread to the other teams.  That scared them off drafting me in the first round (the four teams above were ahead of the Broncos in the draft order).  There was nothing wrong with my knee,” Randy said.


Randy took questions from the crowd.  How was it to play under different Bronco head coaches?


“John Ralston was from the Dale Carnegie ‘positive thinking’ school. ‘Everything is always great’ he used to say.  In one game we were down 42-17 in the 4th quarter and Ralston came up to me and defensive coordinator Joe Collier to say ‘we got them right where we want them!'”


“Red Miller was more like Woody Hayes.  A disciplinarian who was tough on us at times but he cared.”


“Dan Reeves was more of a player’s coach than Red.  I didn’t have that much interaction with Dan as Joel Collier was in charge of the defense and Dan focused on the offense.”


Randy relayed how there was never a great offense on his Bronco teams.  “I played 10 years with 10 different Bronco quarterbacks,” he said.


Randy also showed us a highlight reel of some of his greatest plays.  That’s what reminded me of old school football in seeing some of Randy’s jarring hits. “We used to tackle when I played,” Randy quipped.



After his talk Randy signed autographs, took pictures, and traded stories with the longtime members of the QB Club who remembered Randy’s playing days.



There were some younger fans in attendance, too!



One feature of our QB Club meetings is a Bronco jersey display.  Today’s was one of our best with actual game jerseys from that famed Orange Crush defense, led by Gradishar, of course!



It was a thrill for me to finally meet Randy!  I saw many of his Bronco home games from my seats in the South Stands in the 70’s and early 80’s. = by Tim Larison, Denver Broncos QB Club Member

1 thought on “Randy Gradishar Wows the Crowd at our February 2019 meeting!

  1. Still one of my first heroes, Randy and my big brother Larry. Still remember him coming to our practices, and calling me Little Dvorak! That gave me a lot of incentive!! The Lord knows he belongs in Canton!! One day he’ll get there!! Still the pride of the purple and gold!!#86.

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